Sunday, November 28, 2010

Two Little Princesses...

Two little princesses...

 ...dancing in a row
Spinning fast and freely on their little toes

Where the light will take them... one really knows
Two little princesses...
 ...dancing in a row

~Tin Man~

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

The Fairest of Them All.

Mirror, Mirror,
On the wall,
Who is the fairest, of them all?

Is it a she?
Well, it must be.
No man can ever be pretty.

What of her hair?
Is she a soft blonde?
Or,perhaps, a coppery bronze?

Her eyes a green?
A ponderous blue?
Or a deep black, so jet and true?

Does she have a mind
Of sharpest wit?
Has she a nature of raw and grit?

Her body, tell me,
Is it perfect and thin?
Long lean legs, and nice strong chin?

Her breasts are perfect,
Round, and firm.
Oh is it true? Oh do confirm!

Oh Mirror, Mirror,
On the wall,
Show me this girl, the fairest of all!

Mirror, what is this!
This not she!
Mirror, you've only shown me, me!

Fuck you, Mirror,
Curse your stupid wall,
And you know not who she is-

The fairest of them all.